
火曜日にから水産学会の対応で仕事がストップ。もちろん、他の教員も同じ状況だ。All work has stopped  since Tuesday, because of the Fisheries conference. Of course the same can be said of the rest of the faculty.

僕は水曜日から毎日受付にいて、H先生やYだ先生、Kむら先生の補助をした。英語での対応のつもりだが、以外と学生は対応できてた。(実際の受付の作業は学生。) 受付の忙しさにはパターンあったので、ちょっと暇なときがあった。特に忙しい時間帯は公演が始まるまえだった。その時は自分も動いた。
Since Wednesday, I have been at the reception desk, with three other faculty. I am supposed to, address the non-Japanese speakers, but the students are doing a really good job. (The students are the ones that are actually  moving their hands).  There was a pattern in the flux of participants, and was most busy in the morning.

When time allowed , I was able to catch up with a lot of old friends and classmates from Kagoshima University, as well as many colleagues from other universities. It looks as if everyone is doing fine,  doing a lot of science. I also made a lot of new friends, so maybe I will become more active too.

Today I am to support room 4.





大村湾調査!! ~海藻・生き物編~